USS Providence AssociationNewsletter (Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2008) Welcome to the first edition of the USS Providence Association Newsletter. It is our intention to publish this newsletter quarterly. We have a “President’s corner” where the current President (Jim Chryst) will write a short article about the organization. We may have contests with prizes, bits of trivia about the Navy (e.g. did you know there was a CG-6 at one time? First person to give me the details will receive a USS Providence Calendar for 2008). Yes, I said “USS Providence Calendar.” We have 2008 calendars for sale at $25.00 each. Each month will have a picture of the USS Providence in her various profiles, the 1770’s sloop replica, the CL-82, the CLG-6 and the SSN‑719. You can order one from me or with your membership payment to Bill McCubbin (see the membership form on the last page). We also encourage you, the members of the organization, to send in articles or suggestions for articles for our consideration. Please be aware that not all the submissions may be published so don’t get upset if you don’t see yourself in print. We also reserve the right to edit any submissions for content and size so they can fit in the framework of this newsletter. If you submit any pictures, be sure to enclose a “self-addressed, stamped envelope” so we can return them. Send all submissions to Sam Villa’s address below. So have a look at the new newsletter, give us your feedback, and let others know about it. Jack Reighley - Secretary /
Message from your Webmaster:Please take this opportunity to have a look at the Providence web site. There is a wealth of information posted there. ( The Providence website has always been free to everyone. Our mission has always been to bring together shipmates, family and friends and to provide a place to meet. The Providence website provides the history of our ship and shares many stories of the men that served aboard this great ship. Starting in 2008 a password will be required for special features on the website. Over 90% of the website will still be open for all to see. The new password will be changed annually and given to all paid members. Please join the Providence Association so we can continue to maintain a presence on the World Wide Web and give notice to the world that we have patriots who will give their lives to serve, support and defend our precious liberty and freedom. Thank you in advance for your support…God Bless America and Godspeed to our Military. Ahoy Shipmates from Covington, Kentucky.... Carl Dustin It was great seeing everyone. There is no longer any doubt that the CLG-6 attendees had more far-fetched, outrageous sea stories than the six original CL-82 Plank owners attending could match. The National Museum Wright-Patterson USAF Base was awesome. One could spend weeks there and still not see it all. A special treat was the viewing of the motion picture “Pilot” which made us proud of today’s service personnel and their remarkable dedication and skill needed to protect our nation. We enjoyed a delightful lunch in the Officer’s Club or USN lingo, “chow” in the mess hall. We were also treated as Honored Guests by the VIP treatment at the Kentucky Race Track. The Fifth Race was dedicated to the USS Providence and a Race Card was printed with the name USS Providence. Later after the race, we were escorted to the Winner’s Circle for a photo op. The Cincinnati City Museum was another great stop. The WWII section renewed many memories for the CL-82 shipmates. Another day brought us to a German type brewery with authentic food a real ump-pa-pa accordion singer to help the German food go down. The final day was a full course banquet with special speaker Radm. Kenneth Haynes, who was Commanding Officer of Providence during 1971-72. I truly enjoyed the reunion. I can’t help feeling the magnetism that still brings us together in spirit and friendship as shipmates once aboard Providence. Providence was a “happy ship.” A ship named Providence has flown our nation’s flag during the birth of our nation in 1776, World War II, during the Vietnam Conflict and today a Los Angles Class Submarine named Providence still serves proudly. May the memory of Providence linger as long as her crew sings her praises. “From the Bridge”I want to thank the crew for placing confidence in me as your President until the next reunion, which will be in Providence, Rhode Island, April 29, 30, May 1, 2 and 3, 2009. I traveled to Providence in early December and made tentative arrangements for those dates. Currently the Hotel and Convention Center is working on proposals for hotels in the area. There will be a memorial service on the Battleship MASSACHUSETTS at Battleship Cove (the world's largest historic naval ship exhibit) in Fall River, Mass. We will spend a day at the Museum, which includes the Destroyer USS JOSEPH P. KENNEDY, JR., the submarine USS LIONFISH, several PT boats, landing craft and the East German Patrol Boat HIDDENSEE. Be sure and visit the website for Battleship Cove ( Bill and Beverly McCubbin did a truly outstanding job with the Covington reunion, as mentioned by Carl Dustin. The patriotic portion of the program, by Jerry Grieser, was the most moving experience. I don’t believe there was a dry eye in the house. In the upcoming months there will be a membership drive to dramatically increase the paying membership of the organization. We have set up Regional Directors, whose responsibility it will be, to increase membership within their district. Jack Reighley will be in charge of the Midwest, which includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and Wisconsin. John Marshall/Jim Chryst will be in charge of the Northeast, which includes Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Mass., Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington DC. Ken Harris will be in charge of the Northwest, which includes Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and the North/South, which includes Dakota, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. Jim Cozine will be in charge of the South Central, which includes Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Vic Muzio / Dave Abouch will be in charge of the West, which includes Arizona, Utah, California, Hawaii and Nevada. Sam Villa will be in charge of the Southeast, which includes Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi and the North/South, which includes Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia and other Canada, Mexico, and the Virgin Islands. We need to increase dues and membership to help support the cost of newsletters, postage, supplies and special projects; set up costs and advertising for our reunions; and the Providence Website that creates countless opportunities for us to share our sea stories and experiences and a place to find each other by way of the World Wide Web. I challenge each of you to call one or two shipmates that you served with, who are currently not members of the organization, and get them involved with a subscription membership (membership form enclosed in this newsletter). You can contact the Regional Directors or me for any guidance or information. Table A – Membership List (below) is a list of the current PROVIDENCE members and the anniversary dates of their dues. It is requested that all shipmates bring their account up to date for 2008. Upon receipt of your 2008 payment, you will receive a password to access special features on the website, which is only available to members who have paid their dues. We also need memorabilia for our display case on the USS LITTLE ROCK and for future displays. That would include any items concerning the Navy or USS Providence. (Pictures, badges, pins, decorations, uniforms, etc.) Please forward to me at my home address: Jim Chryst This will be the first newsletter, which I am sure will be expanded in later issues, with personal articles and recollections. Thanks again for your support, Smooth Sailing. Jim Chryst Email Message of the Quarter: Eugene W. Rogers ( Providence from 1946 to 1948 / S1C 5th Division I was in charge of a twin 40 MM on the fantail and then subsequently assigned to a quad mount opposite the bridge. I used to have Rear Admiral George C. Dyer step into my gun mount to peruse his fleet. He never said a word to me but just made a noise so I would notice he was there so I could get out of his way. We had a tragedy aboard ship as we were getting ready to leave the Med and unfortunately, I witnessed it. One of our young pilots crashed into the superstructure and was lost at sea. I loved every minute I was aboard the Providence. I was just a young 17‑year-old when I boarded and only 19 when I left her. Great ship and I met and made many friends. By the way, the two dogs (Nip & Tuck) were aboard when I was aboard Prov. Ship’s Log dated 9/10/07
This from a shipmate: This is a brief of the criteria for the medals.
These medals and awards are not documented in their records. If anyone has a relative (father, brother, etc.) that meets those criteria, these veterans of this "Greatest Generation" should be getting these medals as recognition of their service to the United States and to France. The State of Missouri is also recognizing Missouri WWII and Vietnam Veterans with a state awarded medal. I applied thru the National Guard web site for Missouri for my father and for me. Your state may also be recognizing military service, you will have to investigate to find out. Table A – Membership List
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